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Website platform breakdown: Showit vs Squarespace I often talk with our clients about using Showit vs Squarespace, and this is really a tough breakdown when it comes down to it! If you’re a wedding business looking to create a website either yourself or with a designer, you’ve probably heard of Squarespace and Showit. Both are […]

Showit Tips, Showit Website Design, Website Design, Website Tips, Wedding Business Tips

Showit vs Squarespace: which platform is right for you?

website designer designing a custom Showit website
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Follow these Frequently Asked Questions best practices to provide clarity to your potential clients! Instead of allowing your FAQs to collect dust, follow these FAQs page best practices for your wedding business. There’s a highly underestimated website page in the wedding industry: your Frequently Asked Questions page. When working with our clients, we make every […]

Marketing Tips, Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

FAQs Page Best Practices for Wedding Pros

website hand drawn wireframe on a desk with a laptop and some branding design
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Let’s talk about what’s in & out for 2024. Something I’m always striving to do in my business is build a more sustainable life for myself and for my clients. I’ve always found more value in quality details that last a long time versus trendy details that will fade. This blog post was nearly a […]

Design Business Life, Wedding Business Tips

What’s In & Out for 2024: Building a brand & business that’s timeless

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10 details to update on your wedding business website for engagement season Out with the old, and in with the new! No matter where you’re at in your wedding business, the truth is, that there’s always room for improvement on your website, to make it more aligned with your business. I get it, working on […]

Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

How to Prep Your Wedding Business Website for Engagement Season

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SEO for a Wedding Photographer’s website is perhaps one of the most important things your marketing needs.  SEO for wedding photographers is especially important because it helps put you on the digital map, which is where many of your ideal clients are looking. Now if you’re new to all of this, let’s start with defining […]

SEO Tips, Website Tips, Wedding Business Tips

SEO for Wedding Photographers: The 10 SEO Details Your Website Needs

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If you’re looking for podcasts for wedding pros, you’ve found the spot! My goal is to continuously update this resource for you to have a go-to list of episodes to binge – more than just podcast interviews with me! As a creative entrepreneur, I know how lonely business can sometimes feel! It can be easy […]

Branding, Marketing Tips, Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

Best Podcasts for Wedding Pros Looking for a Website or Branding Redesign

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First, what is brand strategy? There’s this really sexy word (or for some, scary) that starts with “s” called… strategy. It’s used over and over in the wedding industry, among website and brand designers, and coaches. But what the heck does strategy mean? A lot of times, people who are talking about “strategy” aren’t actually […]

Brand Strategy, Wedding Business Tips

Brand Strategy for Your Wedding Business: 5 Reasons You Need it to Grow

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It’s one thing to plan a styled shoot, but it’s another to plan an intentional, strategic shoot that will bring your business a return on investment. In this blog, I put together some tips for how to plan a styled shoot with your ideal clients at the top of mind. One thing I want to […]

Branding, Love & Marriage, Marketing Tips, Photography Tips, Wedding Business Tips

How To Plan A Styled Shoot with Your Ideal Clients in Mind

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Here are 5 tips to build a cohesive wedding vendor brand that connects with your ideal clients. Your wedding business is so much more than a single logo. As a wedding vendor, your brand is often aligned with your personal brand, and just like the age-old advice to “be yourself”, there are key ways for […]

Branding, Wedding Business Tips

5 Things Your Wedding Vendor Brand Needs

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This Valentine’s Day, let’s spice up your wedding business’s marketing. Please note: I was recently informed that Gary Chapman, the author of The 5 Love Languages, is homophobic. I in no way endorse his views and affirm all types of love. I share the below information not to support or endorse him, but because I […]

Love & Marriage, Marketing Tips, Social Media Tips, Wedding Business Tips

The 5 Love Languages of Marketing Your Wedding Business

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Website images tips for creative service providers.  Choosing images for your website is all about making a good first impression. Let’s make that impression stellar. To have a successful online presence as a service provider, you absolutely need high quality photos that make people want to book with you.  If you’re stuck on how to […]

Photography Tips, Website Tips, Wedding Business Tips

How To Choose Images for Your Website

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Brandee Gaar, wedding business coach, successful wedding planner, and host of The Wedding Pro CEO Podcast, was kind enough to have me on her podcast. I’ve been following Brandee since learning about her and her work through my friend Kathy from Rekindle Communications and was so excited to have the chance to sit (virtually) with […]

Branding, Wedding Business Tips

Brandee Gaar & I chat about branding for wedding vendors

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Choosing good website photography that’s both interesting and strategic can be one of the biggest challenges of building a website for a wedding or creative business owner. Here are some tips to help. Wedding vendors and ESPECIALLY photographers have the benefit of having so many photos to choose from for their websites. The wedding industry is […]

Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

How to Choose Your Website Photography

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Stand out in a small or crowded wedding market. A marketing problem I hear regularly is that wedding vendors and photographers have trouble standing out and attracting ideal clients in a small or crowded market. The feeling can be so frustrating when you know you provide great services that your ideal client would absolutely love. […]

Brand Strategy, Marketing Tips, Wedding Business Tips

Attract Ideal Clients in a Saturated Wedding Vendor Market

Emily Foster flipping through a brand strategy book
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(Hint: there’s not a quick right answer) The big question I get from wedding vendors, photographers, and really, any business, is how to pick the best website platform. For service providers particularly, making a decision on a website platform can feel overwhelming. If you’re an e-commerce brand, the answer is pretty simple: Shopify. But when […]

Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

How to Choose the Best Website Platform

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’Tis the season to get engaged… and to prep your wedding business for a HUGE influx of inquiries! I’m celebrating 1 year of being engaged to my fiancé this month, so we were part of that wedding rush last year. We had to find the right venue, photographer, and more before the best options were […]

Website Design, Wedding Business Tips

Your Website Checklist to Attract Clients in 2022

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Hi wedding friendors! (I have to give credit to my friend Tiffany Ruiz from Starr Weddings for that term. 😊) I’m a big promoter of loving yourself no matter where you’re at in your journey, so we don’t do “new year, new you” around here. BUT, we do “new year, new brand. That is (in […]

Branding, Wedding Business Tips

7 Signs It’s Time to Invest in Branding (or a Rebrand)

Let's be friends!