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First, what is brand strategy? There’s this really sexy word (or for some, scary) that starts with “s” called… strategy. It’s used over and over in the wedding industry, among website and brand designers, and coaches. But what the heck does strategy mean? A lot of times, people who are talking about “strategy” aren’t actually […]

Brand Strategy, Wedding Business Tips

Brand Strategy for Your Wedding Business: 5 Reasons You Need it to Grow

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There’s a little word being tossed around the design industry called “strategy”, and often heard as “brand strategy”. I’ve seen it treated in the same way as “authentic” or “balance”. You hear that your business needs it and there are lots of designers and coaches who claim that they can help you find the answers […]

Brand Strategy, Branding

Brand Strategy and the Impact on Your Branding

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Custom Branding and Templated Website Design for Darlinghurst Events We worked on this destination wedding planner branding in May 2022 during one of our 2-week branding and website intensives. Darlinghurst Events is a destination wedding planning company owned by Katie Gregory, who comes to the industry with years of experience. Katie needed a new brand […]

Brand Strategy, Branding, Website Design

Brand Strategy Identity for a Destination Wedding Planner

Bride and groom walking across field. Darlinghurst Events logo design is laid over the image.
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Stand out in a small or crowded wedding market. A marketing problem I hear regularly is that wedding vendors and photographers have trouble standing out and attracting ideal clients in a small or crowded market. The feeling can be so frustrating when you know you provide great services that your ideal client would absolutely love. […]

Brand Strategy, Marketing Tips, Wedding Business Tips

Attract Ideal Clients in a Saturated Wedding Vendor Market

Emily Foster flipping through a brand strategy book
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Branding and Website Design for a Furniture & Countertop Design Business A brand and website design that tells your business’s story is essential. When Rick from Ye Olde Finish Shoppe came to me, he wasn’t getting enough potential clients to find him through his website and his branding didn’t truly speak to his company, experience, […]

Brand Strategy, Branding, Website Design

What Goes Into a Rebrand and Website Design

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