Brand consistency and psychology

And what is a HUGE part of showing up consistently with your brand? A cohesive color palette. Colors are intricate and each shade of a color portrays a specific meaning. 

In the below freebie, you'll learn more about color psychology, how the biggest name-brands use it, and how to develop a cohesive color palette of your own.

Building an unforgettable brand is all about


There are 4 main components to a professional brand color palette:





After you've considered these other 3 factors, you want to practice consistency with your color palette. Think about brands like Coca-Cola, Starbucks, or Apple. How often do you see their colors? Your color palette should be applied consistently throughout all of your marketing.

Your brand strategy should heavily influence your color palette, meaning that you should consider your ideal clients, market positioning, and brand archetypes when choosing your colors to ensure that they'll be effective and attract the right people.

Psychology is a big part of color. Certain colors and shades influence most humans to feel a certain way. You'll get more information about how colors make us feel in this freebie!

It's important that your color palette is accessible, meaning that it should be easy for most people to read and view. You want to be conscious to avoid palettes that are difficult for people with visual impairments to view. 

In this freebie, I give you the deets for how to build a palette that considers these factors. You'll also get a bonus page on how to choose typography that positions your brand as higher end.


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